If you are holidaying in Port Lincoln these school holidays there are plenty of fun activities for the kids to join in. If you haven't booked your accommodation yet- please keep checking out our local booking site or call us on 0419302300, for the best friendly local booking agents assistance.
#visitportlincolnaccommodation #schoolholidayfun #portlincolngymnasticsclub #natureplay #kirtonpointchildrenscentre #beachdetectives #lincolnnationalpark #schoolholidayfun #portlincolnleisurecentre #schoolholidayartandarttherapyworkshops #theastrodome #portlincolnlibrary
October Holiday Program, Port Lincoln Gymnastics Club
Nature Play Event, Kirton Point Children's Centre
Beach Detectives, Lincoln National Park
School Holiday Fun, Port Lincoln Leisure Centre
School Holiday Art & Art Therapy Workshops, EP Wellness, Resources and Services
The Astrodome, Port Lincoln Library