Held on Southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia from April 20 – 29, 2018.
The SALT festival provides a platform for artists and contributors to showcase their ideas and to interact. It is an opportunity to make connections across topics and genres to build a new and innovative community.
SALT celebrates the impact of people converging though creative practice in arts, innovation, conferences and discussion, providing platforms for innovators and professionals to contribute and connect.For more information on SALT festival: http://www.saltfestival.com.au
If you looking for somewhere to stay during the SALT festival, call us 0419302300, and mention this post to receive discounted rates!
#visitportlincolnaccommodation #saltfestival2018 #southerneyrepeninsula#april #showcase #arts #innovation #discussion #contribute #connect#creativepractice #seeeyrepeninsula #seeportlincoln#seethebestofeyrepeninsula #seethebestofportlincoln